How to apply

Your dream to own your own fashion house or work in any other of the career paths in fashion is a process that begins with wholesome training and preparation to make your dream a reality.

Get to understand the details and duration of the courses offered at Zion College. Each course requires a certain minimum entry requirement.

We offer competitive course fees and structured payment terms upon request.

Fees & Course Schedule

Get the document with all the details.

Kindly download the registration form, print it and fill in all the required details and have it delivered to the college. Zion College of Fashion & Textile Design is located at Unit 6, Wendy Court, David Osieli Road, Westlands.

Registration Form

Get the document with all the details.

Zion College is founded and managed based on the principles in the Word of God (Bible) and as such, the environment within the institution carries the evidence of the Kingdom which is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

The rules and regulations ensure that everyone becomes a vessel through which the Kingdom finds expression to the benefit of self and others.

Rules & Regulations

Get the document with all the details.